Frequently Asked Questions

Safety and Supervision

How many coaches and staff members will be supervising the children? +

1 Coach for max 10 kids. Additionally there will be at least 1 Member for administration and logistics.

What is the coach-to-child ratio? +

1:2 for 3-5 aged children.

1:5 for 6-10 aged children.

1:10 11-16 aged children.

What safety measures are in place for the camp?+

In addition to the full time supervision and coach to child ratios mentioned above, all the coaches have completed the CPR and first AID courses. At the field there will be the first AID kit and ice packs.

Are background checks conducted on all staff members?+

All the coaches are professional and licensed coaches without criminal records.

What is the protocol in case of an injury or emergency?+

Medical attention will be performed immediately or 911 will be called if necessary.

Camp Schedule and Activities

What does a typical day at camp look like?+

A typical day at summer camp is designed to provide a mix of structured activities, social interaction, ensuring that campers have a fun, engaging, and enriching soccer experience.

How is the day structured in terms of practice, games, and breaks?+

8:45–9:00 am Check-In.

9:00–9:30 am Camp meeting. Morning Warm-up.

9:30–10:30 am Technical session. (Mon: dribbling. Tues: passing/receiving. Wed: control. Thurs: shooting. Fri: games!).

10:30–11:00 am Snack break.

11:00-12:00 pm Principles of the game (attacking, defending). (1 v 1, 2v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 2, etc).

12:00–1:00 pm Lunch followed by entertainment and clean up.

1:00–1:30 pm SAQ (speed, agility, quickness).

1:30–3:00 pm games and Coaches Challenge Tournament.

3:00 pm Pick-Up.

Are there any non-soccer activities included, such as arts and crafts or educational sessions?+

Our coaches speaks: English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.

Skill Levels and Training

Is the camp suitable for all skill levels?+

Our Camp is suitable for all soccer skill levels (from beginner to advanced).

How are children grouped (by age, skill level, etc.)?+

Usually children are grouped per age and skill levels, depending on the number of participants.

What kind of training and development can be expected?+

Depending on the age and skill levels we focus the training on the specific player needs (from recreational program to an advance and competitive program).

Health and Nutrition

Are snacks and meals provided, or should children bring their own? +

  • Are snacks and meals provided, or should children bring their own?

Children should bring snacks and lunch (only for the full-day program) at the field. Water fountains are present at the field for free refilling.

If meals are provided, what is the menu like? +

No meals are provided.

How do you accommodate dietary restrictions or allergies? +

We do not provide food to children. In any case, parents must report any allergies to the staff before the beginning of the Camp.

How are hydration and rest periods managed? +

Considering the Summer hot water, every 15/30 minutes there will be a water break to give the kids a chance to refresh themselves. Players must put sunscreen before the beginning of the camp.

Facilities and Equipment

What kind of facilities are available at the camp? +

The camp is put on in a fenced turf soccer field with a public bathroom and public fountains.

Is there access to indoor spaces in case of bad weather? +

In case of bad weather a cafè is closed to the field. Players can shelter there until the weather conditions allow us to resume playing.

Should children bring their own soccer equipment, or is it provided? +

All the equipment (also soccer ball) is provided by our staff. Kids must only bring: Lunch (only for the Full-day program), snack, backpack, sneakers, cleats, water bottle, sunscreen, extra change of clothes (in case of rain), and towel.

Communication and Updates

How will parents be updated on their child's progress and activities? +

Children will be informed by email and text messages.

Is there a way to contact camp staff during the day if needed? +

In case of need, they can call the following number 646.3868315.

Are there opportunities for parents to observe or participate in any activities? +

Parents can observe the training sessions. There are many benches around the field. For kids under 5 they can also participate in the activities with the coach (not mandatory).

Cost and Payment

What is the cost of the camp, and what does it include? +

Manhattan Summer Camps: $400 full day $250 half day

Astoria Summer Camps: $300 full day $200 half day

The price included: registration fee, insurance fee, coaches fee, equipment, and Summer Camp jersey.

Are there any additional fees for equipment, uniforms, or activities? +

There are no additional fees.

Is there a refund policy if a child cannot attend? +

Per our refund policy, we can change the dates of the Camp or give a voucher of the same amount to be spent for another NY Soccer Legends program (no refund).

Experience and Credentials

What are the qualifications of the coaches and staff? +

Our coaches are professional and licensed coaches and most of them have previous experience in professional Soccer Academy (such as Barcellona, Juventus, etc.).

Our coaches speaks: English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.

All the coaches have completed the CPR and first AID courses.

Does the camp have any accreditations or affiliations with soccer organizations? +

At the moment we do not have any accreditations or affiliations.

Behavior and Discipline

What is the camp's policy on behavior and discipline? +

Here, there are the main rules of our code of conduct:

Respect for fellow campers, staff, and the camp environment.

Adherence to camp rules and schedules.

Participation in activities and positive engagement with peers.

Prohibition of bullying, fighting, or any form of harassment.

How do you handle conflicts between children? +

Here are some steps and strategies typically used to manage and resolve conflicts:

1. Immediate Intervention

2. Listen to Both Sides

3. Facilitate a Dialogue

4. Identify the Problem

5. Brainstorm Solutions

6. Agree on a Resolution

7. Follow-Up and monitor the situation

Are there any rules or guidelines that children need to follow? +

Children must follow the Code of conduct and coaches’ instructions.

Special Considerations

How do you accommodate children with special needs or medical conditions? +

Based on a parent's specific request we can assign a specific coach to children with special needs or medical conditions. Moreover there will be a stronger communication between our staff and the parents.

Is there a nurse or medical professional on-site? +

All the coaches have completed the CPR and first AID courses. No nurse or medical professional will be on the site.

Can parents provide specific instructions for their child's care or needs? +

Parents can provide by email specific instructions for their child’s care or needs. We will do our best to accommodate their request.